Kyanite Balancing Rainbow Aura Quartz Calming Necklace

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Aqua Aura is used by crystal healers and others to calm the emotions and the emotional body. It is a powerful stress reliever. It is also a strong energy for reducing or eliminating anger. It is said to help process emotional disturbances, grief, and traumas to a point where they are no longer stressful.
Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success.

Aqua Aura can bring prosperity, even possibly wealth.

These crystals can stimulate your throat chakra, which will enhance your communication. Known as the stone of the mind, aqua aura quartz is very helpful when directing your energies. It can give you direction and help you concentrate. It can also increase your mental abilities.

It will give you mental clarity, amplify your thoughts, and develop your spirit. Which is why it’s most commonly used in healing and meditation.

Aqua aura quartz can help you access the truth of your emotions. It can also help balance emotional extremes, making sure that your emotions are aligned and cleared.

Aqua Aura is an outstanding tool for people wishing to increase their psychic skills and awareness.

Aqua Aura strengthens meditation which can enhance any psychic endeavors. Aqua Aura is used to empower and enhance telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychic healing, and automatic writing as well as other modalities.

It will harmonize your energy fields so that you can function at 100% capacity.

These crystals can also balance the effects of feminine and masculine energies. It can help in the alignment of your etheric body with your emotional body, as well as activate your soul energy.

Aqua aura quartz is soothing and healing to the aura as much as it is effective in releasing your physical stress and emotional negativities.

It has very many healing qualities that can help you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It can amplify energies and allow you to both send and receive these healing energies.


Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels. 

Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement.  It will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requiring clearing.  Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly.  It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body.

Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility.  It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.  It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought.  Kyanite provides a stimulating energy, encouraging perseverance in and support of activities and situations which would normally reduce one’s strength.  It can help when connecting to your spirit guides.  Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams.

Kyanite treats the urogenital system, adrenal glands and parathyroid glands.  It aids in disorders of the throat, brain and muscular system.  It helps to heal infections and lower blood pressure.  Kyanite is a natural pain reliever.