Purple/Gold Orgonite Om Necklace | EMF/RF 5G

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Necklace length: 17.5 Inches; Pendant height: 2 Inches; Pendant width: 2 Inches



Orgonite neutralizes EMF radiation
Clears negative energy
Aids in meditation
Supports restful sleep
Enhances lucid dreaming
Relieves stress
Purifies the area
Can detoxify water
Helps with plant growth
Increases energy
Balances moods
Helps with spiritual and psychological growth
Helps with resistance to ill health or to improve it


'Ohm' or 'Aum' is a sacred sound that is known generally as the sound of the universe. ... The Om sound is a short, 'seed' mantra, which is chanted to connect with and energize the chakras. The Om symbol represents the sound in a visual form and has a lot of meaning behind it.



Amethyst is of the purple ray. It is a master healing stone. It’s master place is the 3rd eye. It helps with anything to do with the head, i.e. head stress, sleep imbalance, etc. It is great to have on you or anywhere in your environment. especially in the bedroom for peaceful rest and healing. It is mentally calming and soothing. It helps with intuition.

Amethyst relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.


Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination.

Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information, and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at Auric and Chakra cleansing. Fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. Fluorite should be cleared often.


Smokey Quartz is a brownish, yellowish or grey coloured type of quartz that is given its color because of natural radiation in the Earth.

Physical Energy Properties: Especially useful for treating the lower body including the feet, ankles, legs, hips and lower abdomen. Also excellent for maintaining balance in the sexual organs. Assists in the absorption of minerals in the body and regenerate nerve tissue.

Emotional Energy Properties: One of the best grounding stones, smoky quartz is an excellent crystal to have in your home or to carry with you. Relieves fear, dissipates nervousness and anxiety as well as depression. Very good for emotional stress and fear of failure. Brings in more positive energy.


Copper carries the receptive energies of the wise Grandmother Earth, teaching us to walk in balance with nature. As a conductor of energy, when used with earthly crystals it intensifies, enhances and channels their properties. Copper is thought to assist the body with repairing tissues, oxygenating the blood, easing arthritis, strengthening the female reproductive system and increasing vitality.