Opal & Orgonite Crushed | EMF/RF 5G Protection Pendant

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Protect your force field with this hand-made multi-functional art made with integrity, juiciness & love. We are passionate about protecting living beings from harmful electromagnetic frequencies & enhancing their quality of life. You can trust that our Orgonite & crystals are genuine, unlike much orgone-Not that is being sold under the guise of protective. 



What is Orgone or Orgonite? Orgone is the name given to energy is Life Force, Chi, bio-energy by Wilhelm Reich. Orgone is a type of energy that defies many of the laws of physics & is considered to be the energy that creates & supports life. Orgone is light, universal energy that is present in all living things.

As human beings we are open energy systems. This means that we cannot shield ourselves completely from our environment. We are constantly subjected to the energies in our environment. They affect us whether we are aware of it or not. 

Orgonite has become very popular as a spiritual healing tool, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution (emf). These subtle energy tools interact and transform Orgone or life energy. It is an energy that nurtures. Reich did a lot of research on the properties and behaviors of this energy. He built an Orgone accumulator out of alternate layers of metal and organic material. He also observed that Orgone was able to neutralize radiation.

What happens when you add crystals to Orgonite? Crystals have a natural ability to arrange energy & direct energy flow. By pairing crystals with Orgonite, the crystals are able to direct the flow of energy & enhance the Orgone. 

Orgonite neutralizes EMF radiation

Clears negative energy

Aids in meditation

Supports restful sleep

Enhances lucid dreaming

Relieves stress

Purifies the area

Can detoxify water

Helps with plant growth

Increases energy

Balances moods

Helps with spiritual and psychological growth

Helps with resistance to ill health or to improve it 


A sriyantra is an instrument, or tool, for meditation and contemplation supports spiritual liberation. The Shri Yantra, called the “queen of yantras,” (rajayantra) is the symbol of the great divine mother principle, the source of all energy, power, and creativity.


Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions. It stimulates originality and creativity. Helps to release anger and claim self worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one's true self. Opal strengthens memory.

Love ♥ Loyalty ♥ Peace ♥ Consciousness ♥ Faithfulness

Opal is an emotional stone and reflects the mood of the wearer.  It intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions.  Encourages both freedom and independence.  Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions.  It stimulates originality and creativity.  Helps to release anger and claim self worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one’s true self.  Opal strengthens memory.  It encourages an interest in the arts.  Wearing Opal brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity.

Opal strengthens the will to live and treats infections and fevers.  Purifying the blood and kidneys, Opal also regulates insulin.  It eases childbirth and alleviates PMS



Cherry Quartz is a gemstone with meaning and properties of getting hope. ... This gemstone is useful when you want vitality or courage to make progress. Cherry Quartz is a gemstone that can make you receive invisible energy easier. It is good to use when you want to make your vision of the future clear.


Labradorite Crystal is a magical stone... awakening within you mystical abilities. It has within it a deeply felt resonance that is very powerful, and it can be used to bring amazing changes to your life. 

This is a stone whose energy is quite visible to the user... as it just seems to work so quickly. Wearing it just seems to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before!

Physical Energy Properties: Helpful in balancing warts, colds and gout. Treats eye disorders and brain disorders. It can also help in figuring out the root causes of a disease or disorder. Balances hormones, metabolism and alleviates stress and anxiety.

Emotional Energy Properties: Labradorite balances emotions and chakras as well as the subconscious and conscious mind. Helps protect the aura by creating a strong shield or barrier around a person. Protects you from projections and judgements coming from others. Gives you strength and wisdom through transformational periods.


Working with the Throat Chakra, powerful Blue Aqua Aura encourages inner truthfulness during communication.  It can also be used with both the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, increasing psychic skills and heightening spiritual awareness.  Aqua Aura aids in communication from the heart to the head, allowing one to recognize and speak their highest truths.  Use Aqua Aura for meditation or psychic healing.


Blue Aqua Aura Quartz, also called Angel Aura Quartz or Opal Aura Quartz, cleanses the aura and can facilitate deeper and higher levels of meditation.  A peaceful and tranquil stone, Rainbow Aura Quartz is useful for communication with Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Teachers.


Copper is excellent for channeling and grounding higher vibrations, and conducting and enhancing stone energies

 Copper carries the receptive energies of the wise Grandmother Earth, teaching us to walk in balance with nature. As a conductor of energy, when used with earthly crystals it intensifies, enhances and channels their properties. Copper is thought to assist the body with repairing tissues, oxygenating the blood, easing arthritis, strengthening the female reproductive system and increasing vitality.